Book Amazons

Payments & Refunds

We’re happy to consider a refund, but there are a few conditions to keep in mind:

Return/Refund Request:

Please let us know within 10 days of receiving your order if you’d like a refund. You can do this through your Book Amazons dashboard or by emailing Just tell us why you want to return the items.

Refund Process:

If you cancel before we send your order from our warehouse, you’ll get a full refund. Once it’s dispatched, you can’t cancel upon delivery; you’ll have to follow the return policy for a full refund.

Refund Time:

It may take up to 7 days to process and credit your refund. We’ll use the same payment method you used when placing the order.

Return Address:

Find our return address on the billing invoice or our Contact Us page.

Refund Limitations:

Refunds won’t exceed the actual value of the goods. We deduct shipping costs for reverse shipments.

Exclusions from Refund:

We won’t refund custom duties charges (if applicable), or any charges you paid when receiving the goods.

Initiating Full Refund:

If you want a full refund, you can return the package at your expense. Once we receive it, we’ll initiate a full refund.


  • Your delivery address is incorrect or outdated, including PO Box addresses.
  • Our courier attempts delivery three times without success.
  • You refuse the package.
  • The products are returned damaged.
  • Some contents of the product are missing.